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Recent & Featured Pieces

Unlimited power (some assembly required)

What do you think the most powerful thing in the world is? Love? The ocean? Maybe g/God, if you're that kind of a spiritual person? My answer is: words. The words we think, hear, say, read, write, sing and shout all have power. They can hurt us, they can heal us, they can entertain us, they comfort and discomfort us, they help us understand the world around us, and when used well, they help us understand ourselves. But in order to do that, they must be carefully assembled.

Words are accessible to all of us. They are a free and inescapable raw material in which we can play, wrestle, and craft. This site is a display case for some of the writing I've done in an effort to understand the magic of words. I, admittedly, break some of the "rules" most writers follow. I refuse to stick to just one type of writing. I've also published some writing here that my inner critic still thinks is stupid. Among the posts you'll find short stories, poetry, reflective prose that goes absolutely nowhere, meditative reflections on spiritual ideas, (slightly embellished) non-fictional essays about my life, and excerpts from plays I've written. (Note: If you are a theater professional interested in putting these scripts into the hands of actors on a stage, please don't hesitate to contact me for a full copy.) 

I hope that these words I've strung together entertain you, comfort you, challenge you, and - perhaps - inspire you to explore their power in your own life. 


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